Some of the catalogs and promotions that are listed on this website come from businesses that provide financial compensation to this website. Because of this, the location, manner, and order in which particular listings display on this website are all impacted.

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy (“Cookie Policy” or “Policy“) applies to the websites that are operated by or in some other way supplied to you by (respectively, the “Site/s“, and “NI”, “us,” or “we”). You are deemed to have given your agreement to the use of cookies, as outlined in this Policy, when you visit and use the Site.

This Policy may be updated at any moment with or without prior notice, as we fully reserve the right to do so. You will be informed about any significant alterations that are made to this Cookie Policy through the Site(s) that you visit. We strongly suggest that you revisit this page on a regular basis in order to stay up to date on the most recent information on our privacy policies. Your continued use of the Site after such modifications to this Policy have been made indicates that you agree to be bound by those changes. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, your sole option is to either stop using the Site or modify the settings of your browser so that it will not accept cookies.

Our Privacy Policy is a vital element of our Cookie Policy, and the words and definitions that we used and described in the Privacy Policy will have the same meaning in this Policy. This policy is an integral part of our Privacy Policy. This Policy clarifies the following:

  • What exactly cookies are
  • When you use the Site, what kinds of cookies are stored on your computer
  • The manner in which outside parties utilize cookies on the Site
  • Your choices in terms of cookies.
  • Advertising that is Based on Interest

What are cookies

A cookie is a little text file that is saved in your web browser and gives the Site or a third party the ability to recognize you as a visitor to the Site. Cookies are used by many websites (and not as an individual). Cookies may be used for a variety of objectives, including but not limited to the following: (1) to make certain functions available; (2) to provide analytics; (3) to retain your preferences; and (4) to make advertisement delivery and behavioral advertising possible.

There are two different types of cookies: session cookies and persistent cookies. When you exit your browser, a session cookie will instantly be deleted from your computer. A persistent cookie will remain on your computer either until it reaches its expiration date or until you erase all of the cookies stored in your browser. Cookies contain a date of expiration that is programmed into them; this date varies from cookie to cookie and can be as short as a few minutes or as long as several years. Cookies that are placed on your device by the website that you are currently viewing are referred to as “first party cookies,” while cookies that are placed on your device by other entities are referred to as “third party cookies.”

On Sites, cookies are typically used in conjunction with a pixel tag. Pixel tags, also known as web beacons or clear GIFs, are graphical pictures that are often posted on a website. These images are transparent. These pixels are used in combination with cookies to measure the actions of visitors to their websites that arrive through the services. For instance, we or our business partners may use pixel tags to track interactions on the Site(s), or to understand referrals to partners from our Site(s), or for Retargeting purposes, as we described in the Privacy Policy, or for other interest-based advertising, as further explained in section 5 below.

What are cookies used for when i use the Site

We or a third party may place a number of cookies in your browser when you access and/or use the Site or interact with the services. These cookies are stored locally on your computer. Some of the cookies will only be used if you use specific features or set certain preferences, while some of the cookies will be used for a more long-term purpose, as explained in our Privacy Policy.

Each cookie is designed to accomplish one of the following tasks:

  • Cookies of this type are considered essential because they enable users to take advantage of certain features of the website, such as remaining signed in or making transactions. Cookies of this type are set by the website itself.
  • Cookies of this type are considered essential because they enable users to take advantage of certain features of the website, such as remaining signed in or making transactions. Cookies of this type are set by the website itself.
  • Analytics Cookies: These cookies track information about how the Site or Sites are being used in order for us to enhance them and report on how well we are doing overall. Additionally, we may utilize analytics cookies in order to test new advertisements, sites, or services and observe how people respond to them. Cookies used for analytics might be either of the first-party or the third-party variety.
  • First-party cookies, also known as preference cookies, are responsible for storing your preferences related to the Site.
  • Cookies for Ad Targeting: These third-party cookies, also known as “behavioral” or “targeted” advertising, are placed on your computer by advertising platforms or networks in order to: I deliver advertisements and track the performance of advertisements; and (ii) enable advertising networks to deliver advertisements that may be relevant to you based on the activities you engage in.

How are third parties using cookies on the Site

Cookies are typically used by a variety of third-party entities, including analytics, third-party vendors, and advertising networks, to collect information about users in an anonymous fashion. They may use that information to better understand the actions of users on the Site as well as activities on other websites that users visited soon after leaving the Site.

You can adjust the settings of your browser to remove any cookies that have already been set and to prevent it from accepting any new cookies if the concept of cookies or specific types of cookies is something that you find objectionable. Visit the help pages for more information about how to do this. You should be aware, however, that if you remove your cookies or choose not to accept them, you might not be able to access all of the features that we provide, you might not be able to save your preferences, and some of our pages might not appear properly. Please keep this in mind.

You also have the option to opt out of cookies from third parties by following the instructions provided by each third party in the privacy policy that it has posted on its website.

Cookies are used to help you get the most out of our website and the services we offer. If you choose to disable cookies, it’s possible that some parts of our website won’t work as intended for you when you do so.

Enable / Disable your cookies

Chrome from Google

To open the browser’s settings menu, click the icon located in the toolbar. Go to the Settings >> menu. Select the “Show Advanced Settings” option by clicking >>. Click the “Content settings” button located in the “Privacy” section of the menu. In the “Cookies” section, to enable cookies, choose the option that says “Allow local data to be set.” This will permit cookies from both the first-party and the third-party. Select “Block all third-party cookies without exception” if you want to enable just cookies from the originating domain.
Select “Block sites from setting any data” inside the “Cookies” section of the menu in order to disable cookies.
Check out the following link on Google’s website for more information on the additional cookie settings that are available in Chrome:

Versions 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 of Microsoft Internet Explorer

To access the Internet Options menu, go to the “Tools” menu at the top of your browser window and click on “Internet Options.” To adjust your privacy settings, go to the ‘Privacy’ tab in the options window.
To enable cookies: Adjust the knob so that it reads “Medium” or lower.
In order to turn off cookies: Put the slider all the way to the right to disable cookies.
Take note that Internet Explorer allows for varying degrees of cookie enablement and disablement at different levels. Visit the following link on the Windows website to learn more about the cookie options that are available in Internet Explorer:

Microsoft Edge 

The Settings menu may be accessed by selecting the More actions button located on the toolbar.
Look for the option to View advanced options, and then click on it >>. Choose whether you want to prevent all cookies, block only third-party cookies, or don’t block cookies at all under the Cookies section. Restart Microsoft Edge.

Mozilla Firefox

Choose ‘Options’ from the drop-down menu that appears after clicking ‘Tools’ in the browser’s menu. Click on the Privacy tab on the panel.
To enable cookies: Mark the box that says “Accept cookies from sites.”
In order to turn off cookies: Deactivate the “Accept cookies for sites” checkbox.
Please be aware that Firefox has many tiers of cookie activation and disablement options. Please see the following page on the Mozilla website for further details:


In the menu of your browser, locate the ‘Setting’ option, and then click ‘Settings’ >>. Choose the “Quick Preferences” option.
In order to activate cookies: tick the box next to “Enable Cookies.”
Uncheck the box that says “Enable Cookies” to deactivate cookies.
Take note that Opera provides a variety of options for enabling or disabling cookies at varying degrees. Please visit the following link on the Opera Software website for additional information on the various cookie settings that are available in Opera:

Safari on OSX

Select the “Preferences” option by going to the menu bar, selecting “Safari,” and clicking on “Preferences.” >>
Simply select the “Security” tab to continue.
In order to activate cookies: Choose ‘Only from site you browse to’ from the drop-down menu in the ‘Accept cookies’ box.
In order to turn off cookies: Choose “Never” from the drop-down menu labeled “Accept cookies.”
Take note that Safari allows for varying degrees of cookie enablement and disablement at different levels. Please see the following link on Apple’s website for further details on the various cookie settings that may be accessed through Safari:

Other browsers:

Look for a function labeled “help” inside the browser, or get in touch with the company that makes the browser.

Internet browsers are defaulted to automatically accept cookies when they are first used. You may modify the settings to either prevent cookies from being stored on your device or to notify you when cookies are being sent to it. We have explained how to do this above. If you choose to disable the cookies that we use on the Site, this may have an effect on your experience while you are using the Site. For instance, you may find that you are unable to access certain sections of the Site or that you do not receive any personalized content or information when you visit a website.

The website does not control the use of third parties technology or the information that is generated for online, mobile, or email advertising, and it is not responsible for any actions or policies that are implemented by third parties.


We make use of a variety of products and features that are made available by Google LLC. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, USA 94043, under the brand name “Google”).

Google Analytics

The analytical tools provided by Google Analytics are utilized by our services. “Cookies,” which are essentially text files that are stored on your own computer, are used by Google Analytics to assist monitor how users interact with websites. The information that is created by the cookie regarding your use of the website (including your IP address) will be sent to Google servers in the United States, where it will be kept.

Please take note of the fact that this particular website’s instance of Google Analytics has been enhanced with the addition of the code “gat. anonymize();” in order to ensure the concealed collecting of IP addresses (so-called IP-masking).
In the event that the IP anonymization feature is activated, Google will truncate or anonymize the final octet of the Internet Protocol address for users located in Member States of the European Union as well as other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

The complete IP address is only ever provided to Google’s servers in the United States so that it can be reduced in rare circumstances. Google will use the information that you provide in order to evaluate how you use the website on behalf of the website provider, compile reports on website activity for the website operators, and provide other services to the website provider that are related to website activity and internet usage. These reports will be provided to the website operators.

Your IP address will not be linked to any other data that Google stores or maintains in its database. You have the ability to decline the usage of cookies by changing the settings on your browser to the suitable level. Be aware, though, that if you do this, it is possible that you will not be able to access all of the features that are available on this website.

You can also stop Google from collecting and using data (cookies and your IP address) if you download and install the browser plug-in that is available at This will prevent Google from collecting and using the data.
By following the link below, you will be able to opt out of having Google Analytics collect data from your browser. When you visit this website, a cookie with an opt-out feature will be placed on your computer. This cookie will prevent any further gathering of your data in the future.

Disable Google Analytics
You can get additional information regarding the terms and conditions of use as well as the data privacy by visiting or Please take note that the Google Analytics code on this website also includes the “anonymizeIp” code in order to guarantee the privacy of the IP addresses that are collected (so-called IP-masking).

Google Remarketing using Dynamic Ads

When it comes to advertising our website across the Internet, particularly on the Google Display Network, we rely on Google Dynamic Remarketing. By storing a cookie in your web browser, dynamic remarketing will tailor the advertisements it shows to you based on the sections of our websites that you have already browsed. This cookie in no manner identifies you or grants access to your computer or mobile device in any way. A cookie is a little text file that a website saves on a user’s computer that tells other websites “This person visited a certain page; therefore, show them advertisements pertaining to that page.” Through the use of Google Dynamic Remarketing, we are able to better cater our marketing to meet your requirements and only show you advertisements that are pertinent to you.

Visit the Ads Settings page on Google if you do not want to see advertisements from our website. This will also allow you to opt-out of Google’s use of cookies. Please refer to the Google Privacy Policy for any additional details.

Google AdWords

When it comes to advertising our website across the Internet, particularly on Google search results pages, we rely on Google AdWords.
Visit the Ads Settings page on Google if you do not want to see advertisements from our website. This will also allow you to opt-out of Google’s use of cookies.
